UREA (46%N)

Our products are carefully formulated to meet the diverse needs of farmers and promote healthy plant growth, maximum yields, and exceptional crop quality.

UREA (46%N)

UREA is a nitrogen-based fertilizer with a high concentration of nitrogen at 46%. It provides a readily available source of nitrogen to plants, supporting their overall growth and maximizing yield potential. UREA is versatile and can be applied to the soil or used as a foliar spray. It is suitable for a wide range of crops, including tree crops, cereals, and fruits, helping to enhance their productivity and yield.

Composition & Usage:

UREA (46%N) is widely used in agriculture to enhance plant growth and productivity. It delivers a substantial amount of nitrogen to the plants, ensuring their nutritional needs are met throughout the growth cycle. This nitrogen-rich fertilizer is particularly beneficial for crops that have high nitrogen demands, such as cereals (wheat, corn, rice), tree crops (citrus fruits, apples, grapes), and various other fruits.

This fertilizer is formulated using premium-grade urea, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and high solubility. The fine granules dissolve easily in soil moisture, facilitating efficient nutrient absorption by plant roots. UREA’s fast-release characteristics make it particularly effective for providing an immediate nitrogen boost to crops, stimulating rapid growth and development during crucial growth stages.


  • High Nitrogen Concentration (46%)
  • Dual Application Methods: it can be applied to the soil or as a foliar spray
  • Suitable for various tree crops, cereals, and fruits.
  • Rapid Nitrogen Release: UREA’s fast-release characteristics ensure that nitrogen is readily available to plants when needed.
  • Enhanced Solubility

Used for:

UREA (46%N) is widely used for various crops, including but not limited to tree crops (such as citrus trees, apple trees, mango trees, and avocado trees), cereal crops (like wheat, rice, corn, barley, and oats), fruit-bearing plants such as grapes, berries, melons, and stone fruits, and legume crops, including soybeans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas.

Contact us to learn more about our premium-grade fertilizer and how it can contribute to your agricultural success.

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Why Choose Us:

Here are the many reasons to choose Invess Agriculture Ltd. as your preferred agricultural partner:

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UREA (46%N)

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